The Flashman Society President: George Macdonald Fraser
EVENT DETAILS Memorial Celebration for George MacDonald Fraser 11 AM Tuesday 8th July 2008 Address: St. John�fs Smith Square London SW1P 3HA United Kingdom Telephone/Fax: Box Office: +44 (0)20 7222
1061 Administration: +44 (0)20
7222 2168 The Footstool Restaurant:
+44 (0)20 7222 2779 Email addresses: A memorial organized by The Fraser Family and HarperCollins to
celebrate the live and literary work of George MacDonald Fraser. Open to
the public and all those who wish to pay there respects and celebrate the work
of George MacDonald Fraser. The event will also be advertised in the
National Press. 'Dear Flashman Society Members Regards, Caro Editor of Flashman Papers 2005 35th Anniversary of the Flashman Papers Read the Society Review �@ |
Est. 1997 19th Century to the 21st Century Enlightening Educating Entertaining And Damning your eyes! |
�@ |
George Macdonald Fraser Released 'The Reavers' Oct 2007 �@ |
�@ George Macdonald Fraser Released 'The Reavers' Oct 2007 Another fantastic Romp in the style of 'The Pyrates' Stereo Technicolor with added Flynn! Synopsis George wrote this one for the hell it! Show off! George knows the country and setting well, 'the borders' as written in CANDLEMASS ROAD, the tongue in cheek pass at current politics are strong seemingly out of place but bang on! His knowledge of history and the era of Hollywood swashbuckling that inspired him shine through. This pure is the true Fraser as we've never read before,flowing and brimming with his wit and humour, filled with everything that we know inspired him; history, story telling, Flynn-Hollywood, bosom quivering humour and the land of his birth, Carlisle and the borders. God Bless you George! �@ |
Sir Harry Flashman is one of the great creations of
modern literature. First encountered as the school bully in Tom Brown's
Schooldays (1857) by Thomas Hughes, he
was thankfully rediscovered by George MacDonald Fraser (b.1925) who purportedly
edited the Flashman papers starting with �gFlashman�h in 1969. The series has now run to twelve
volumes.�@ Taking us
from the classrooms of
"Not only are
the Flashman books extremely funny, but they give
meticulous care to authenticity.�@ You
can, between the guffaws, learn from them."
"Whether Flashman goes a-rogering in
Dawns & Departures of a soldiers life; Flashman Journal
Email: Secretary Max
Email: Webmaster Max
Flashman's Lady
George MacDonald
Mountain of Light
dimonds George MacDonald Fraser
'Flashman' is the first of Eleven instalments of the papers so far. A classic and racey start to many adventures that see Harry; former bully of Rugby, running for cover and chasing ladies and whores alike all over the British Empire.
This racey instalment solves the mystery of what happened to Harry; coward, bully and cad of Thomas Hughes' 'Tom Brown's School Days'.
Firstly he seduces his father's mistress, joins Lord Cardigan's 11th Light Dragoons - gets involved in a Duel, in which he cheats, and then moves on to Indian ending up the hero of the hour in Afghanistan!
english authors
The Candlemass Road
Black Ajax
George MacDonald Fraser
The General Danced at Dawn
McAuslan in the Rough
The Sheikh and the Dustbin
The Steel Bonnets
The Story of the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers
Quartered Safeout Here
The hollywood history of the world