35 Years of Praise!

Blurbs, Tag lines, Appraisals - all books have them, Flashman is no exception only when its Flashman you�fre talking about people can�ft resist �graising to the occasion�h, if you�fll forgive the pun, to bring everything down to Flashy�fs level and summing up the weasely dastard in the lowest of tones and the highest of humours!


"A one man demolition squad. As irreverent and picaresque as Tom Jones, always more dramatic and often funnier."

(Chicago Today)  1975

"Spiced like Curry"

(Book World) 1974

"A lair, lecher, bully coward ... splendidly entertaining ... Flashman never loses!"

Time 1975

"One of the funniest heroes you'll meet in a long time"

Detroit Free Press 1974

"A real hoot!"

Bramhall Ladies Art and Literature Society 1999

"A cross between Byron's Don Juan and Fielding's Tom Jone's - a right romantic Bastard!�h -

(Best Sellers) 1976


"Marvellously Entertaining a delight"

(Providence Journal) 1974


"Gad! is that Flashman something!"

(Memphis Books) 1975

"Beau Sabreur with a balsa spine ... a blue and humorous vien is wide ope; let it pour, Fraser until your heart's content"


(Chicago Tribune) 1974


"Soldier, lover, adventurer, he fought and wenched his way to glory (and lechery, and skullduggery and conduct unbecoming a gentleman)..."


Blurb from 1971 Paperback of Flashman

"Raises dastardliness to the level of an art..."


Omaha World


"Demolishes bowdlerised history  ...  A view of our noble ancestors bottoms up, so to speak, which is a view no civilised people ought to neglect."

Washington Post


"The most entertaining anti-hero in a long time... moves from one ribald and deliciously corrupt episode to the next..."

Publisher's Weekly

"Can a man who is expelled from the school as a drunken bully - seduces his father's mistress to begin a secret life that leads him from the boudoirs and bordellos of Victorian England to the erotic frontiers of her exotic Empires! Cheats, steals, fights fixed duels, betrays his county, and proves a coward on the battlefield be all bad?"

Blurb Royal Flash Signet Paperback


"Is it a 'rotter' we see before us? A coward? A lecher? A cheat? An absolute bounder? And possibly not even a gentleman?  YES!  Flashman's Back!"

Chicago Tribune 1970

"A whole series of lurid escapes; boudoir Olympics, dungeon heroics, throne room intrigues, with Flashman switching from Coasnova to lackey, from loudmouth to Cincinnatus* as the situations demand."

Royal Flash Paperback

"Flashman is always in thick of things.  His dishonesty and lechery constantly land him in danger, from which he is only saved by his cowardice and highly developed instinct for self-preservation"

Flash for Freedom

"The hero goes from the frying pan into the fire and back again with breathtaking agility.  In the process he is never from willing and nubile females. The heat generated from his escapes uses a carnal fuel."

Chicago Tribune


"The vilest blackgaurd who ever ran in battle or dishonoured a lady..."

Publisher Weekly

"Flashman rises to the occasion with all the canny survival instincts of a rattlesnake to live and lust another day."

The Boston Globe


"Flashy Bounces from pillow to post, battle to bedroom, facing off man hunting women and headhunting men."

Kirkus Review


 "The New unbuttoned confession from England's classiest delinquent, the great historical Flashy!"

National Observer


 �gCannons to the right of him, cannons to the left of him, Flashman leads the charge�cand along the way he even finds time to male love to more than one voluptuous woman.�h

Flashman at the Charge


�gFLASHMAN IS BACK causing rejoicing in the ranks�c He rocks around the world, in and out of wars and trouble, in and out of boudoirs�h



Boston Globe


�gFLASHMAN RISES TO THE OCCASION with all the canny survival instincts of a rattlesnake to live and lust another day!�h

Publishers Weekly


The only thing more exiting than the first half of this novel is the second half!�h

Chicago Tribune


"Flashman edited and arranged by George Macdonald Fraser. the secret life of the most entertaining anti-hero in a long time. soldier, lover, adventurer, he fought and wenched his way to glory, moving from one ribald and deliciously corrupt episode to the next. . . �g

Publishers Weekly

�gA new and crackling episode in the tremendously entertaining adventures of England's NO1 scoundrel, that bully, liar and womanizing coward named Flashman�h

The New York Times Book Review

"The abominable Flashman has weaseled his illustrious career one cringing step further in this new set of dastardly but hilarious adventures."

Chicago Tribune

"This is Flashman's finest ... craven, despicable, perpetually randy, yet curiously likeable ... his liver is as yellow as it ever was. and his fondness for the glass, the ladies, and his own precious hide has not diminished by an iota."

Library Journal on Flashman's Lady


"The most lecherous bounder of them all rescues his lady from numerous fates worse than death ... Flashmaniacs rejoice!"

Blurb Flashman's Lady Paperback

"The history's greatest Cad shows us how the West was really won ... a glorious tour de force."

Chicago Tribune


�gSaber Erect�cPistol Cocked, Flashman Rises to the Occasion of his latest call to Arms�c�h

Flashman at the Charge PB 1973

�gThe vilest blackguard who ever ran in battle or dishonoured a lady in an exiting novel stuffed with intrigue and the rattle of stout sabers and old-fashioned adventure�cwelcome back Flashman!�h

New York Times Book Review 1973

Plunging into the blood-and-guts perils of the Crimean War with skuldugging imagination, and blazing-new frontiers of carnal excess with a panting line-up of willing ladies, Flashman, that undefeated champion of treachery and lechery, is once again in the thick of things....IRRESISTIBLE!"-


"The vilest blackguard who ever ran in battle or dishonored a lady in an exciting novel stuffed with intrigue and the rattle of stout sabers and

old-fashioned adventure....Welcome back, Flashman!"

New York Times Book Review

�gFlashman is a three-dimensional anti-hero—a coward, a scoundrel, a selfish, dishonest libertine�c His engrossing escapades are pure entertainment�h

Nashville Tennessean

�gThe abominable Flashman has weaseled his illustrious career one cringing step further in this new set of dastardly but hilarious adventures�c He is the richest strike in comedy for years and you can't help joining the legion of his cronies�h

Chicago Tribune


"A LITERARY EVENT. ... It is so much fun, with so much suspense, that you will be captured by it and will read till your eyes literally will stand no more!"

Columbus Dispatch

�gFlash for Freedom�ca novel of sex and adventure starring that villain from Tom Brown�fs School Days.�h

Flash for Freedom, Paper Back

�gA novel of outrageous adventures and lusty wenching!�h


"A fine picaresque novel! Great DIRTY fun!"

Great Rapids Press 1970

"That well-hung ace of cads and cowards, Sir Harry Flashman, VC, is with us again"

The Observer


'Top excitement and hilarious reading"


"What a rotter is Captain Harry Flashman - liar, swashbuckling coward fly-by-night lecher! But he illuminates the backstairs of history in a rip-roaring way"

The Daily Telegraph 1974

"Breathless adventures, pretty continuous lechery"

The Times Literary Supplement

"Flashman is back, thank God... one of the great reads of our time!"


"The most lecherous bounder of them all rescues his lady numerous fates worse than death...Flashmaniacs rejoice! Superb!"

Library Journal



-in the drawing room of a great English mansion with the redhot-blooded mistress of a violently jealous blueblood?


-in between a pair of nubile Chinese beauties who were willing to do anything and everything to close the gap between East and West?


-in the hold a warship under fire, with a Malay maiden as explosive as the shells bursting above?


-in the forced service of a voluptuous African Queen who let a lover stay alive only as long as his power to held up?


What was Flashman doing?


This unblushing cad, this lustful libertine, this infamous and irresistible anti-hero, clearly was doing better than ever - in a round-the-world adventure that would have made Queen Victoria pale with shock and swingers of today green with envy.

The Back Cover of Flashman's Lady First Edition Paperback (Signet)


"Brilliantly done... In Flashman Fraser has created one of the immortals"


"It is in the voice and person of Flashy himself that George MacDonald Fraser once again triumphs.�@ Small wonder, for Flashman is one of the best comic fictional characters of our times"

Carol Ann Duffy, LISTENER 1991


"I'm happy to disclose that Harry Flashman is unregenerate... You'll revel in his uncensored memoirs"


"A grand roistering read"

Daily Mirror 1974

"Flashman tells his story with the sexual avidity of Frank Harris and the range span of Portnoy.�@ He is irresistible entertainment"

Sunday Telegraph

"Breathtaking Exploits and Cliff-hanging Suspense."�@

Financial Times 1974

"This smack at the early-Victorian belly-button is aimed with gusto"

The Observer 1974

�gHarry Flashman! That engaging cad and great poltroon is now one of�@ Fiction�fs immortals�h


�gIf you like your history overdone, highly spiced and saucy, George MacDonald Fraser is the man to make you laugh!"


�gWhen all other trusts fail turn to Flashman!�h


'Remains in a class of his own'


'For addicts or newcomers. Flashman has never been better'


'A triumph of narrative, a black comedy sustained by consistently splendid writing. Flashman will run and run'


"Brilliantly done, with the usual quota of fornication and hair-raising escapes... In Flashman, George MacDonald Fraser has created one of the immortals." �@�@



"George MacDonald Fraser is a gemsmith of rare brilliance,"

TIME�@ OUT�@�@

"Fraser writes delightfully; his sense of period and dialogue is perfect; his hero is irresistible. Many popular novelists have written fictional heroes into great

historical events. But few, if any, have done it as well as Fraser."


"I will follow his adventures in the confident expectation of being uninterruptedly entertained. As well as providing a fine assortment of treats, George MacDonald Fraser is a marvellous reporter and a first-class historical novelist."



"Stirring, excellent stuff, colourful and amusing... it would be hard to find a better read."



"Flashman remains in a class of his own."


�gFlashman is funnier than Twain, more gripping than Clancy and bawdier
than Hefner. Come on in, the water's lovely!�h

Oliver J Selby

"Fraser is a natural Storyteller.. Flashy is a wonderful character�h

Daily Express

"Macdonald Fraser falls into what these days is an exclusive Group: The storyteller who can write"

DJ Taylor, Sunday Times


Flashman and the Angel of the Lord - "If 1994 throws up a more enjoyable novel, I shall be glad to read it!"

DJ Taylor, Sunday Times

"Beautifully done.. an intoxicating Cocktail�h

David Robson, Sunday Telegraph

"Next to the coming of the new Messiah, the most welcome appearance one can imagine is the new Flashman book from George Macdonald Fraser"

Steve Grant, Time Out

"Whenever Fate catches Flashman with his cherrypicker pants down, we can be sure he will stoop to the occasion with his customary caddishness"

Sunday Telegraph 1977

"Flashman is the greatest thing to come down the pike since Horatio Hornblower packed up his flag"

Chicago Tribune


"The Flashman books bristle with action ... and are very, very, funny.�@ The Seventh is as Fresh as the First!"

The Times 1982



The Economist

"Not only are the Flashman books extremely funny, but they give meticulous care to authenticity.�@ You can, between the guffaws, learn from them."�@

Washington Post


"If ever there was a time when I felt that watcher-of-the-skies-when-a-new-planet-stuff, it was when I read the first Flashman"

P G Wodehouse

"Mr Fraser is skilful and meticulous writer, twice as good as Buchan, and twenty times better than Fleming"

Auberon Waugh, Evening Standard.


"Sparkling one-liners adorn every chapter ... it is the verve of the story telling, together with the verbal inventiveness, that lingers in the memory"

Sunday Telegraph


"As well as providing a fine assortment of treats, George MacDonald Fraser is a marvellous reporter and first-rate historical novelist!"

Kingsley Amis

"Flashman is one of the best comic fictional characters of our times"



"In his own field Fraser is the best-informed novelist writing today"

Glasgow Herald


"Mr Fraser's narrative drive and critical affection for the makers and shakers of dominions are whole-hearted pleasures"�@

The Times





The next Instalment of the Flashman Papers


George Macdonald Fraser


Covering the 1868

Flashman's Campaign to Abyssinia

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